MBE: AINE IM vs VO: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 47: Línia 47:
*Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) allows patients to self-administer small boluses of narcotic, allowing better dose titration, enhanced responsiveness to variability in narcotic requirements, and reduction in serum narcotic level fluctuation <cite>TD3</cite>.
*Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) allows patients to self-administer small boluses of narcotic, allowing better dose titration, enhanced responsiveness to variability in narcotic requirements, and reduction in serum narcotic level fluctuation <cite>TD3</cite>.
**OBJECTIVE: To examine and compare the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of meperidine when administered intramuscularly at gluteal and deltoid sites in elderly postoperative patients. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized investigation.  
**OBJECTIVE: To examine and compare the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of meperidine when administered intramuscularly at gluteal and deltoid sites in elderly postoperative patients.  
**SETTING: Tertiary care university teaching hospital. PATIENTS: Fourteen patients 60 years of age or older who were undergoing general surgery.  
**DESIGN: Prospective, randomized investigation.  
**SETTING: Tertiary care university teaching hospital.  
**PATIENTS: Fourteen patients 60 years of age or older who were undergoing general surgery.  
**INTERVENTION: A single dose of meperidine 0.75 mg/kg given intramuscularly at either a deltoid or gluteal site.  
**INTERVENTION: A single dose of meperidine 0.75 mg/kg given intramuscularly at either a deltoid or gluteal site.  
**MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pharmacokinetic (based on concentration-time curves) and pharmacodynamic (i.e., pain scales, need for additional pain medication) comparisons were made, based on site of meperidine injection.  
**MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pharmacokinetic (based on concentration-time curves) and pharmacodynamic (i.e., pain scales, need for additional pain medication) comparisons were made, based on site of meperidine injection.  
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