Sandbox: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 31: Línia 31:

hola <cite>MultipleFluors</cite>
<biblio force=false>
#dieta3REV Farthing, M.J.G., Du Pont, H.L., Guandalini, S. et al (1992) ''Treatment and prevention of travellers' diarrhoea''. Gastroenterology International  5(3), 162-175.
#exemple pmid=15819888
#Barash2010 pmid=20445623
#MultipleFluors pmid=15558047
#SmolkeNAR2010 pmid=20385591
#IntronSizeDist pmid=16980575
#Kangueane2004 pmid=15217358
#SmithReview2005 pmid=15956978
#SplicingNomenclature pmid=18688268

Revisió del 15:24, 17 juny 2013

<R output="html" iframe="width:100%;height:250px;"> prob=0.15; nmin=1; nmax=15; x=6 m <-pbinom(rep(0:x, each = nmax-nmin+1), rep(nmin:nmax,x), prob) dim(m) <- c(nmax-nmin+1,x+1) m <- t(m) colnames(m) <- format(nmin:nmax) rownames(m) <- format(0:x) outHTML(rhtml, m, title="x\n", format="f", digits=4) </R>

<R output="display" iframe="width:400px;height:400px"> pdf(rpdf, width=5, height=5) n <- 10 prob <- 0.2 x <- seq(0, n, 1) p <- dbinom(x, n, prob) param <- list(n, prob) main <- c("Binomialverteilung - Wahrscheinlichkeitsfunktion", paste (c("Stichprobenumfang n", "Wahrscheinlichkeit p"), param, sep="=")) plot(x,p, type="h", main=main) </R>


  1. Farthing, M.J.G., Du Pont, H.L., Guandalini, S. et al (1992) Treatment and prevention of travellers' diarrhoea. Gastroenterology International 5(3), 162-175.
