Es pot combinar amb Escandinàvia, hi ha vols directes (p.e.Aberdeen-Bergen, i barato!), o inclús amb Islàndia. O deixar-ho per un altre viatge que inclogui Gales (Snowdonia, etc.), Irlanda (Dublin, Moher, Kilkenny per flickr, etc., de moment no em crida massa), nord Anglaterra (Lake District), etc.
Visit Scotland, mail Laia 2-2-09 22:24h., i Wikitravel:
The Borders - the eastern two-thirds of the districts north of the border with England, dotted with ruined abbeys and battlefields.
The South West - home of Robbie Burns and the Solway Coast ("Scotland's Riviera")
The Central Belt - Scotland's most urbanised region around and between the cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh
The Highlands - Scotland's spectacular, mountainous north-west, encompassing the Great Glen and Loch Ness and John o'Groats
North East - the centre of two of Scotland's most important industries, oil and whisky, with the Grampian mountains at its heart.
The Hebrides, also known as the Western Isles or Na h-Eileanan Siar (in Gaelic) - the many islands off the north-west Scottish coast
The Orkney Islands - immediately to the north of the Scottish mainland
The Shetland Islands - north of Orkney